The ActiveCount Remote air sampler is designed for aseptic environments and provides a microbial air sampling solution that can be integrated into an environmental monitoring program or system. With the models with or without a built-in vacuum pump, the collecting head and with a HEPA-filtered air outlet, the ActiveCount Remote is ideal for monitoring critical aseptic production environments.
The permanently installed microbial air samplers can be mounted on a wall or directly on process devices. The sampling head can be mounted on the device itself or in the critical manufacturing environment. Regardless of whether you take samples in a clean room, in a biosafety cabinet or a laminar flow bench, the ActiveCount Remote fulfills your cGMP-compliant monitoring requirements.
The ActiveCount Rempote air sampler can be seamlessly integrated into an environmental monitoring system and transmits data using RS-485-MODBUS or Ethernet-MODBUS-TCP communication.
- ISO 14698 compliant
- Flow rate 1 CFM (28.3 LPM)
- Use of an external vacuum system or with an integrated vacuum pump
- HEPA filtered exhaust
- Stainless steel case
- Closed loop control system
- Single start / stop push button
- LED status displays
- Options for remote controlled or directly mounted sampling heads
- Sampling head validated by an independent third party
- 2 year guarantee

Permanently installed collecting heads are mounted at GMP critical points, often next to the isokinetic sampling probe of an aersosol particle counter. Before starting the measurement, an agar plate is placed on the 90 mm plate holder.
The use of a sample tube and isokinetic probe above the collection head allows critical processes to be monitored in locations that are too small or cumbersome to incorporate with conventional systems. Depending on the version, the collecting head is mounted on a wall or on a tripod or placed on a flat surface near the point to be monitored.

Sampler with removable base module with start / stop buttons, LED status displays and the option of integration into an existing monitoring system

Isokinetic probe mounted on a tripod. Microbiological collection head positioned within the working surface near the point to be monitored.

Impactor head with tri-clamp connection for installations in filling systems or isolators. The head can be easily removed for sterilization.
The collecting head detects microbiologically viable particles on a agar plate with a suitable culture medium. The simple loading and the impaction pattern of the collecting head ensure optimal biological and physical detection efficiency in accordance with ISO 14698-1 and prevent false-positive results.
To ensure the viability of the microorganisms, the atrium ensures the correct impact speed of the particles down to approx. 1.0 µm, while at the same time avoiding mechanical damage.
- Developed for ISO 14698 conformity
- Sampling rate of 1 CFM (28.3 LPM)
- 316L stainless steel construction
- Options for floor and side mounting
- Validated by third parties for impaction efficiency
- Sampling head validated by third parties
- 2 year guarantee

Sampling head for collecting microbiologically viable particles on a culture medium dish